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Results 586 - 600 of 3073
Complete Otto Ostomy™ Package
Cat.n.: RP120-0196
Otto Ostomy™ is the ultimate educational tool for ostomies....
104 289,90 CZK
Full Eye Model
Cat.n.: RP120-0165
Oversized normal model of the human eye with split shell construction...
6 267,80 CZK
Advanced Breast Exam Simulator
Cat.n.: RP120-0120
The Life/form® Advanced Breast Exam Simulator offers unparalleled...
34 243,00 CZK
Wilma Wound Foot™
Cat.n.: RE110-0292
Wound assessment has become critical as inaccurate wound assessment...
24 502,50 CZK
Teen BSE/TSE Training Set - Beige Skintone
Cat.n.: RE110-0250
This kit contains a teen BSE model and a TSE model to teach teens the...
11 398,20 CZK
Epidural and spinal injection Simulator
Cat.n.: RE110-0247
Thanks to close cooperation with epidural anesthesia specialists,...
42 628,30 CZK
Embryonic Development Model in 12 stages
Cat.n.: RE110-0122
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
16 201,90 CZK
Organ of Corti Model with Representation in Cochlea - 3B...
Cat.n.: RE110-0108
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models:
Free warranty...
7 296,30 CZK
Human Cancellous Bone Model, Enlarged 100 times - 3B Smart...
Cat.n.: RE110-0107
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
10 660,10 CZK
Ossicle Model | 20 times life size
Cat.n.: RE110-0106
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models:
Free warranty...
5 215,10 CZK
Ossicle Model, 20 times life size BONElike™
Cat.n.: RE110-0105
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models:
Free warranty...
7 296,30 CZK
Simulaids® PHTLS Moulage Kit
Cat.n.: RB120-1161
This casualty simulation kit, with a focus on head and chest trauma,...
56 870,00 CZK
Cat.n.: RB120-0996
The Xtreme Trauma Moulage Arm represents wounds that resulted from an...
25 833,50 CZK
Moulage Movie DVD
Cat.n.: RB120-0773
This DVD explains the use and application of every portion of the...